"We're recording a new album over summer, including a crowd funding campaign, that we hope to have out at the start of next year."
Act: Ragdoll
Member/Role: Leon Todd/Guitarist
Short description of your band and music: Power trio. Imagine Whitesnake and Alice in Chains went to rehab together and recorded an album.
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What do you think separates the WA music scene apart from the rest of the country? Isolation breeds specialisation. There's very few acts who sound like one another, which keeps gigs fresh and exciting. Western Australian musicians are all incredibly good looking too.
What WA bands are you vibing on right and why? Hailmary, who just toured the UK with Ugly Kid Joe, are one of my favourite bands, period. The new Chaos Divine album is incredible and I'm a big fan of the guys from Nevsky Prospekt too. One of the downsides to playing so much is missing out on being able to attend local shows as much as I'd like.
Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at WAM? Between Ragdoll, Silent Knight and Orpheus Omega, it's worth it for the sheer notes per second factor! It's an honest, heartfelt and unpretentious rock show. Come party like it's 1991 again.
What's on the horizon for you? We're recording a new album over summer, including a crowd funding campaign, that we hope to have out at the start of next year. We're also planning to tour extensively at home and abroad behind the new release.
WAM Festival performance: Stormrider Touring Showcase; Ragdoll, Silent Knight and Orpheus Omega; Amplifier Bar, 6 Nov.