Song Title: Ghost
Director: Anna Phillips
What’s the concept behind the clip? The video is a take on the introspective significance of an individual life, the video features Mike Day, a staple among Australia’s art community and one of the founding members of Vivid Sydney.
How long did it take to make? We shot it in one evening, but the concept had been evolving for months.
Where did you film it? We shot it in Mike Days house. It was the perfect location, filled with eclectic items he has collected on his travels over the years. It really helped to capture the introspective theme.
What’s your favourite part of the clip? The scene in the bridge of the song, shot on the balcony with Mike dancing below that strange light fixture is the stand out for me.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? I'm always blown away by the creative community and the concept came to me while discussing this with Mike Day.
Will you be launching it? I'm touring July/August nationally. Check out theGuide for more info.
Website link for more info?