We pick our Top Five acts who will be attending this year's Valley Fiesta festival in Brisbane.
In our various See For Free articles that we've posted over the last few months, we've shown you all the best free gigs that your town has to offer but in our October edition, you'll notice that Brisbane actually isn't featured.
Unfortunately for us that live up in the tropical city, we are rarely given the opportunity to attend a gig for free. It's something Sydney and Melbourne tend to see almost every week, however we must pay to see our favourite acts play at our favourite places; it's unfortunate but true.
Valley Fiesta is labelled as 'Brisbane's Biggest Street Party', which is true by all definitions. Not every festival has FLUME playing in the middle of the street with VIOLENT SOHO to follow; but of course that was last year, this sees another list of acts led by ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI and we can narrow down for you the acts you need to see at 2013's Valley Fiesta. Best of all it's free!!
Here's our guide to this year's event...
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ARCHITECTURE IN HELSINKI are a headliner that you should most definitely go and see. Their live shows are fantastic as they not only nail their performances, they also have some quirky props and stage decorations that make the experience that much more unique.
Yeah I know you've probably heard this guys name ring out your ears for a while now, but guess what: TOUCH SENSITIVE is fantastic and so we reckon you should stop by his set.
With his unique way of performing, TOUCH SENSITIVE slaps his bass whilst also spinning the dials and pressing the buttons that produce such wonderful dance music. Now doing both of those things at the same time is just raw talent, BAIO has admitted in an interview we did with him, that he admires this Aussie artist's creativity and that he's a master of his craft. Now go and watch the master at work.
The best way to get excited for a HAYDEN JAMES' live gig, is of course to listen to all of his tracks as much as you can. But if you're more of a spontaneous person, you'd probably rather just show up and be pleasantly surprised by his electronic pieces. HAYDEN JAMES is still slowly emerging onto our radios and such, but his recent remix of SNAKADAKTAL's 'Fall Underneath' has proved that he's a fantastic artist who needs more attention.
Now I've only ever seen THE SWISS once and it was that one gig that made me realise that these guys just own whatever stage they are placed on. They are both extremely energetic on stage and their electronic-disco sound will have you dancing until your feet fall off.
Valley Fiesta is the best way for THE SWISS to show their stuff to the kids who still haven't seen them live, they'll prove to you that there are plenty of acts out there who play electronic music whilst implementing other instruments, like TOUCH SENSITIVE. THE SWISS use drums whilst also attacking the synths and dials so expect something huge, because they really are amazing live.
Now this year's Valley Fiesta may be dance driven, but there are some cool garage bands that are making their way to the stage as well during the festivities. Brisbane locals DUNE RATS will be gracing the stage as well as Sydney dudes PALMS. Hi-octane guitar-pop is what you'll get from these guys as well as a burst of energy and some cray antics that will no doubt ensue. PALMS are what was left after RED RIDERS disbanded a few years back and honestly, PALMS have emerged with a brilliant debut album called Step Brothers, that I'm sure will be great to hear live.
Because this year's Valley Fiesta line-up is just too good, we have some special mentions to go and add in because you need to check out these guys too.
November 22-24
Fortitude Valley, Brisbane
Free, All Ages
Words by Lauren Payne