The Rocks Aroma Festival

19 July 2016 | 11:28 am | Brynn Davies

Coffee is a necessary part of everyday life. But it is also one of life's great pleasures beyond its energy sustaining properties.

The Rocks Aroma Festival on Sunday 24 July is celebrating the wondrous caffeinated beverage with over 60 coffee and gourmet food stallholders, food trucks, performances, latte art competitions, including an amateur Latte Art competition, demonstrations, pop-up bars, roving performers and DJ and amazing coffee-inspired specials. Catch Pablo and Rusty's, Sensory Lab, Djebena Coffees, Malgudi Days and more, with Mr Black artisan cold press coffee liqueur cocktails and a coffee-infused beer by the team at Endeavour Vintage Beer Co who like to mix their poisons.