The Real Story Behind This Year's World Cup

1 July 2014 | 10:00 am | Pilerats
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Latin countries have identified that if you use beautiful women as football reporters, ratings and internet attention increase..

We've been all about this year's World Cup, and we decided to investigate the real story underneath all of the football. In what seems like a no-brainer, Latin countries have identified that if you use beautiful women as football reporters, ratings and internet attention increase dramatically. SBS take note - we're sick and tired of looking at Craig Foster (Les Murray you're alright though). Introducing Alejandra Buitrago, Jhendelyn Nunez, Vanessa Huppenkothen and Jale Berahimi, the real stars of World Cup 2014 and the girls who make the viewer the true winner this year. We've also realised how strange Latin TV is and if you want to be confused on the same level watch a few of the below videos. Regardless of what happens in the next round we think Colombia has aready won this tournament...

Alejandra Buitrago for Colombia // @alebuitragoh


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Jhendelyn Nunez for Chile. When Chile scored we ultimately won // @jhen_nunez

jhendelyn nunez2

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Vanessa Huppenkothen for Mexican TV station, Televisa // @vanehupp

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Jale Berahimi for Costa Rica // @jaleberahimi

10424587 673129679421792 1684577756 n



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