The Last Waltz Revisited Focus: Vika Bull

22 March 2016 | 1:43 pm | Artist Submission

"I am the backing singer for all the rock stars on stage. I love it because singing harmonies is the best thing ever!!!"

Do you remember the first time you saw The Last Waltz? What were your impressions? I saw it a long time ago and I fell in love with Levon [Helm]. I just thought he was the coolest.

The Last Waltz is considered one of the best music films ever made - can anything hold a candle to it? It's certainly up there. Twenty Feet From Stardom comes pretty close.

What made you choose the particular songs you're performing on the night? I am the backing singer for all the rock stars on stage. I love it because singing harmonies is the best thing ever!!!

Will you sing your songs true to the original or put your own spin on things? Linda and I actually do get to sing a couple of leads and we sing them true to the original, why would we fuck them up???

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Come on, own up - who are you jealous of on the night because they'll be singing a song you really wanted to sing? Not jealous, just happy that we get to sing great songs.