Band Of Brothers

30 March 2012 | 1:45 pm | Dave Drayton

More Taking Back Sunday More Taking Back Sunday

When, mid last year and 12 years into their career as a band, Taking Back Sunday finally released an eponymous album that act of self-titling was, far from the result of a shortage of potential album titles, one of affirmation. The band's fifth full-length album, Taking Back Sunday was the first album in nine years to feature the line-up that created their debut full-length and breakthrough record, Tell All Your Friends.

“For us it was actually really early on in the writing process we had decided that we were going to self-title the record. With the original members back it's just kind of where our whole headspace is. It just felt like a real definitive time for us, so what better way to mark that time than with a self-titled record,” explains frontman Adam Lazzara.

Following the departure of bassist Matt Rubano and guitarist/vocalist Matthew Fazzi in 2010, Shaun Cooper and John Nolan rejoined the band and brought with them a newfound productivity that resulted in a writing process that was quicker than the band had ever experienced.

“We were all just really eager and happy to be writing with one another again and also we're all really comfortable with our strengths and weaknesses within the band, so I think that makes for a more efficient writing process, just when you can really trust the people that you're writing with,” Lazzara says.

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While the departure of Cooper and Nolan was originally rife with rumour and speculation – both going on to form Straylight Run with Nolan's sister – Lazzara says the reunited line-up is stronger than ever, better for their time apart and functioning well as a family unit.

“I'm pretty sure we're geared up for just a really long honeymoon period,” Lazzara jokes. “In the past, with other line-ups and things, it was kind of like if we had any kind of downtime, you couldn't pay any of us to be in the same room together. But now when we don't have anything else to do, we're still hanging out with one another anyways. It makes for a nice time. We're just liked a bunch of brothers.

“We had a little bit of time off around Christmas – just for a hot minute – and then other than that we've just been plugging away. We've just really been focused on getting this new record to as many people as possible. The cool thing about having the original guys back is that there is no idea that we won't try. So we're always writing and there are demos and things kicking around, but as of right now we're just tour, tour, tour,” says Lazzara. A recent near-death experience, in which a tree fell on him and shattered his leg, wasn't even enough to keep Lazzara off the road, testament to their commitment to touring.

Further on the topic of family, there's the little tale of the emo rock band featuring on family friendly kids show Yo Gabba Gabba! playing a song titled We All Love Our Pets – complete with an appearance by guitarist Eddie Reyes' daughter in the video – much to the delight of Lazzara's son.

“It was awesome!” he enthuses. “One of the creators of the show was in that band The Aquabats and everyone who works on the show, they're all really like-minded people and through that experience we've made some great friends. I have a son and Eddie has two kids and they just love the show, so one day we were like, 'Man, I wonder if we can get on the show?' And then next thing you know we're filming a backyard picnic with them. A lot of the other kids there that you see are a lot of the folks that we work with at Warner Brothers, we just called everybody up and said, 'Just bring the whole family down and have fun!'”