"I'm a beer person through and through."
Stones Corner Festival is billed as a Celebration of Craft Beer, Cider, Wine & Live Music — so are you a beer, cider or wine person? I'm a beer person through and through and I love discovering new craft beers at festivals like this. It's great to meet the brewers and share in their passion for their craft.
There are over 15 food trucks planned at the festival — what's for lunch? Mmm. I'm a vegequarian/pescetarian and I particularly love all Mediterranean food so I'll be on the hunt for anything good from that part of the world, eg. a choice spanakopita, a nice slab of haloumi and a big salad.
What do you think about festivals like this where the food and drink component is just as important as the music? Well to quote the Immortal Bard: "If music be the food of love, play on." As far as I can tell, music, food, drink and dance have been connected through almost every culture throughout our known history.
Do you tend to hang around at festivals and check out what else is on offer, or do you just do your set and that's it? Normally I would definitely hang around, check out other acts, sample the delights and soak up the atmosphere. However on this particular day I've got another gig to go to straight after my set.
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Will you have a go on the jumping castle or in the petting zoo? No, but I'll recommend it to my nephews if they are able to come along (unless it's going to full of drunk adults)? LOL!