Answered by: Oliver Halvorsen
Single title? Take Your Mark
What's the song about? It's about going for what you love with everything you can.
How long did it take to write/record? It was recorded in two days, but it was written over the period of about a month
Is this track from a forthcoming release/existing release? The track will be released as a single and will be out July 29!
What was inspiring you during the song's writing and recording? Musically it was inspired by roots acts like John Butler but lyrically it was inspired by the uneasy feeling i had during the time.
We'll like this song if we like... Of Monsters & Men, John Butler Trio, Matt Corby.
Do you play it differently live? It's more stripped back live.
When and where is your launch/next gig? The Odd Fellow on Aug 6.
Website link for more info?