Queen's Birthday Focus: Young And Jackson

10 June 2016 | 2:57 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Megan Herring, venue manager

How are you celebrating the Queen's birthday long weekend? We are celebrating Queen's Birthday Eve with live music all weekend from 10pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Are you doing anything particularly royal to celebrate the day? Classic pub-rock band Guilty Pleasures are glamming it up on Queen's Birthday eve with Britpop sets. If you are feeling particularly posh we will be offering high tea all weekend. Bookings essential.

If you were asked to perform at a Royal Variety Performance, what would you perform? Britpop of course!

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Should Australia become a republic? Absolutely — no offence to Queeny, but it's time really, don't you think?

We get a day off to celebrate the Queen's birthday - do you also take the day off to celebrate your birthday? Young And Jackson opens everyday so that you can come in and celebrate your birthday at the pub!

Website link for more info? youngandjacksoncom.au