PREMIERE: Meredith – Nostalgia (Track By Track)

14 June 2016 | 4:16 pm | Staff Writer

Brisbane-based electro-pop act Meredith has had an exciting couple of years, cumulating in the release of her eerie and emotional debut EP this Friday.

Winning over crowds as an opening act for WA pop-favourite San Cisco earlier this year, Meredith went on to garner praise from i-D, Purple Sneakers and made a sizeable impact on Spotify with the EP's lead singles.

You can check out the smooth four-track EP before its official release right here, right now, along with an insightful track by track to get a glimpse at the inner-workings of the rise star.

1. Levels 

I was trying to reflect on the interpersonal relationships we have - from friends, to colleagues to partners and make a statement about the way we put up walls and tend to be dishonest/not let people in. Ultimately, the song is inspired by how we connect with each other on different levels and how difficult it can be communicating clearly with one another.

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2. How Could You Believe That?

How Could You Believe That? was inspired by a friend's toxic relationship that was having a major effect on who she was and completely clouding her judgment. Basically she kept going back to a really unscrupulous guy and it hurt her and those around her - who would constantly have to pick up the pieces.

3. Running Asleep

I wrote Running Asleep at a time when I was really busy and life was super chaotic. I'd wake up feeling like I hadn't slept because I had so much to do. The song is kind of about trying to do lots of things at once, and not doing any of them very well- so none of them get the full attention they deserve. I wanted the song to make you feel like you're in kind of dreamy, wake/sleep trance.

4. Cleanse My Soul

Cleanse My Soul is a complete fiction piece. It’s not based on any real events, I just wanted to write something that deviated from my typical ‘love-song style’ and experiment with some different production techniques. It started off as a simple two-note song played on acoustic guitar, accompanied by loads of harmonies. In the studio, it transformed into a rich, layered, quirky electronic-pop song, featuring some really bizarre samples (bat wings flapping, screaming,
laughter, etc). It’s a bit weird, and probably my favourite track on the EP. It explores themes of isolation, persecution and loneliness.

The new material will get a hometown launch at Black Bear Lodge on June 23, all the details of which you can find in theGuide.