Perth Fringe Festival Focus: Bunta Boy

30 January 2017 | 7:02 pm | Staff Writer

Answered by: Justin Hamilton

Name of show: Bunta Boy

Describe your show in a tweet? Justin Hamilton returns to the beginning of his comedy career touring in the '90s with punk rock clowns, supporting idols and throwing sausages at angry audiences. 

Who will your show appeal to? It will appeal to anyone who lived through the mid-to-late '90s, young people thinking of getting into comedy, anyone who understands the allure of nostalgia and my fans that made the previous shows a success at Fringe World.

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What's your creative process? How do you develop your ideas? Once I have an idea I try to sit on it for as long as possible to let it gestate. Then I start trialling those ideas in small comedy rooms before unleashing it as one massive tale for festival season.

What will make you stand out in the Fringe crowd? Not only is this full of funny stories from a simpler time but it also highlights comedy songs that I haven't performed this century. Warning: vocals might be shaky due to non-use. 

When and where is your Fringe show? 1 — 4 Feb, 7:45pm, State Library, Perth Cultural Centre. Otherwise referred to as my spiritual home. FYI no one will "shushed" for laughing out loud in the library.