Name: Glitta Supernova
Name of show: Body Map, presented by the Glitta Supernova Experience
Describe your show in a tweet? Explosive iconoclastic visionary of tits & art! Is the road to self discovery still on the map? #BODYMAP @fringe_world #GlittaSupernovaExperience
Who will your show appeal to? Those seeking truth, liberation and authenticity with a bit of camel-toe in-between. Those consumed by consumerism, nudists, oddballs, lovers of sordid tales and those who like to be offended. Fans of absurdity, fun, surrealism, anarchy and pondering. Your grandparents, business analysts and checkout chicks.
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What's your creative process? How do you develop your ideas? I made a deal with the universe that I would do her work, the ideas slip through dreams and waking visions then I interpret through my demented sex clown filter.
What will make you stand out in the Fringe crowd? Australia’s most celebrated alternative performance artist with More anarchy, bingles & chaos than you can poke a selfie stick at.
When and where is your Fringe show? 7 - 12 Feb, Circus Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre, 8:15pm. Get on the bordello body bus tour before it’s too late.