Personal Best Records: Steve Hensby Band

8 September 2016 | 6:26 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Steve Hensby

Best record you stole from your folks' collection? There's been a few and they are mainly from the psychedelic folk/folk genre. The Strawbs, Incredible String Band, Fairport Convention.

First record you bought? The first record I bought with my own money was Jimi Hendrix Greatest Hits when I was about 12. I have played that album a ridiculous amount of times and I still own it.

Record you put on when you're really miserable? Depends really. There's three approaches. One is playing Monty Python songs, Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, or Jammah Tammah to snap out of being a miserable bastard. Another is to jam with some great records and do some practice.

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Record you put on when you bring someone home? I am happily long-term relationshiped but my advice is Schoenberg's Chamber Symphony No.1 and Frank Zappa's Sy Borg.

Most surprising record in your collection? Probably Lauryn Hill or The Roots. I also don't mind a bit of Busta Rhymes.

Last thing you bought/downloaded? John Hartford's Aereo-Plain. It is littered beautiful, pretty songs with some crazy silliness thrown into the mix.

When and where are your next gigs? 10 Sep, Badlands. 

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