Mosh Music: Our fave new punk, rock and hardcore tunes this week

15 September 2016 | 3:00 am | Alex Underwood
Originally Appeared In

Some heavier tunes to get you moving before the weekend..

It's generally around this time of the week that we start to hit a wall, when those thoughts about calling in sick for work creep into our heads far more often than they probably should and our caffeine intake rises to dangerous levels. We get it, since Monday you've had one eye on the weekend and you're still only halfway there, another three days remain to painfully navigate and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it except to keep dragging yourself out of bed each morning. Thankfully, we've put together a list of the best new guitar-driven music you can wrap your ears around, from rock 'n' roll and grunge all the way through to hardcore and metal. Hopefully it's enough to help pull your mopey ass through Hump Day and the rest of the week.


Stick To Your Guns - No Tolerance

Another taste of the Orange County five-piece's forthcoming EP, Better Ash Than Dust, and it's a hardcore banger. As is usually the case with STYG's music, the band take a hard line on No Tolerance about one of the biggest issues facing the US currently. Frontman Jesse Barnett explains: "There is a problem in our country with how people in black and other communities of colour are treated by law enforcement. As a white kid it is impossible for me to relate to this…I will recognise my privilege and I will use it to stand against these obvious injustices that take place everyday." The breakdown/outro that kicks in at 1:38 goes super hard and is undoubtedly going to get crowds moving when STYG unleash this one on live audiences.

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Knocked Loose (pictured top) - No Thanks

I am legitimately ashamed to say that I didn't know about this band until about two months ago, I feel like I've missed out on so much. These guys write the hardest, angriest, tightest hardcore music I've heard in a long time and I'm addicted to it. If you're new to Knocked Loose, the YouTube comments on their videos probably give the best indication of what you're in for: "Like I have said before, this album will destroy half the population", "Hope these guys don't tour because they'll incite a fucking riot in every single city" and "This is what the end of the world sounds like". Their debut album, Laugh Tracks, drops this Friday and No Thanks is pretty good taster for what to expect from the full-length: brutal breakdowns, beastly drumming and scathing vocals. If you've been hanging out for music with some serious grunt in 2016; Knocked Loose is the band for you.

Balance and Composure - Afterparty

This tune's a little old now, so I apologise for that, but Balance and Composure are one of my all time favourite bands and I just couldn't go past it. Afterparty is our second taste of B&C's forthcoming record, Light We Made, following on from first single, Postcard. This tune should ease fan's tensions if the first cut from Light We Made had them slightly worried about the band's direction on the new record; as it's more in the vein of the five-piece's previous two full-lengths. I actually really enjoyed the mellow, shoe-gazey vibes on Postcard, but I have to say I'm preferring the more upbeat, guitar-driven, 'classic Balance and Composure sound'. Whatever they end up delivering on Light We Made, I'm sure it'll be epic. The album drops on October 7.

Primitive Blast - Two Song Promo

A couple of new tracks from somewhat of a Sydney hardcore supergroup. Primitive Blast are made up of members from Relentless, Mood Swing and Legions - so you know their shit is going to be tight (and super heavy). The two song promo features 1 minute, 26 second rager titled The Rat; full of crunching bass lines, bone crunching blast beats and beastly vocals. Track two, Euthanasia, is a fast, angry, old school NY hardcore anthem, complete with a pit-opening breakdown that's going to go down a treat when Primitive Blast hit stages with Angel Du$t around the country this September and October (check out the dates HERE).

Got a tune worthy of helping us get over the Wednesday grind? Send me an EMAIL about it.