Meatstock BBQ Wars Focus: Natural Born Grillers

4 February 2016 | 2:46 pm | Artist Submission

"We are bringing our open and friendly attitude, with a determined approach to doing our best whilst keeping it fun."

Answered by: Andrew Kavanagh

How did you get into the barbecue business? My partner and I got into the BBQ scene for fun. We love food, love cooking and love socialising. A barbecue comp ticks all those boxes!

What's your signature dish? We are realitvely new to the scene. We have managed first place in 'pork ribs' at the Cider & Pork Festival and the Sydney Yaks event, so ribs it is.

Can you let us in on what you're bringing to the BBQ Wars? We are bringing our open and friendly attitude, with a determined approach to doing our best whilst keeping it fun. We will also be bringing a full esky of various beverages to enjoy with our fellow competitors!

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Which bands/artists are you keen to catch at Meatstock? We really want to catch the AEB boys, so might be able to steal a cheeky hour between our cook to hear them I hope.

If you could feed any band/artist playing at Meatstock who would it be and what would you serve them? They are all welcome to come feast on our efforts (after turn-ins, of course)!

What else are you looking forward to at Meatstock? We are really looking forward to cathing up with friends who are travelling from all over the country to compete and sharing some long overdue brews with them. BBQ, beers, good times.