Meatstock Artist Focus: The Delta Riggs

8 February 2017 | 2:09 pm | Artist Submission

More The Delta Riggs More The Delta Riggs

Answered by: Jesse Pattinson

Tell us your best BBQ-related memory: As a young lad I witnessed a BBQ-related fiery explosion, in which luckily no one was hurt. Ever since, I have been attracted to the danger and excitement of the BBQ.

What's your favourite thing to throw on the BBQ and why? Freshly caught fish (preferably kingfish), drizzle of lemon and extra virgin olive oil, capers, salt, pepper, and a delicately placed sprig of dill to garnish. Simple. Elegant. Dignified. Solemn.

If you had to use one BBQ/meat-based dish as an analogy for your music, what would it be and why? For this I would have to go with crayfish. I once ate some after a fishing trip and went into anaphylactic shock, which resulted in hallucinations that then went on to inspire my musical style.

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Will you ask for meat instead of booze on your rider? No.

What are you hoping to take away from Meatstock? I believe cooking/BBQ skills utilise the same part of the brain as music. So hoping to learn new creative BBQ techniques from the masters and find a way to apply them to our next album.