MC Booth: MiniCoop

17 May 2016 | 11:45 am | Artist Submission

Name: Daniel Cooper

MC Name: MiniCoop

When did you pick up the mic? (and why?) 2014, I'd played/wrote for bands since 2009 and when I found hip hop i was immediately hooked on an art form that i could write/produce AND perform with, true self expression. 

Who’s who in your current crew? I'm a solo artist but I roll with my trusty DJ Terra.

Do you practice all of the four elements? No I'm definitely new age. I practice emceeing but not the other three, so I created four of my own: Rapping/singing, Writing/recording/mixing/mastering, Playing my own instruments, Never bragging about it. 

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If you could be anyone’s hype man who would it be? Kendrick Lamar, incredible live band, high energy, wild crowd, history in the making. However I'd probably hijack the drums at some point to smash out Backseat Freestyle

What can punters expect from you when you’re working the room? Big energy, a diverse set, pointing people out who don't come to the front and party, sweat and a free CD.

When and where for your next gig? The Penny Black in Brunswick, July 16 with the rad funk hip hop band High Nights.

Website link for more info?