L A C U N A Doesn't Stand For Fuck-Boys

21 October 2016 | 3:28 pm | Brynn Davies

"I wanted to support her and other people that have had to put up with fuck-boys and -girls."

The musical prowess of L A C U N A, aka Tamara Partridge, comes from a career in film scores. "I've been a film scorer and sound designer for coming up to three years and, between projects, I need something to get me back on stage," she explains. "I went with a genre that would be interesting and engaging as a solo [artist] performing so that's where I'm at now." What emerged from her home studio tinkering is "electronica got soul" she laughs, far from the intentional pause or passage of silence in music that lacuna demands in music terminology. But it adheres to the purpose of a lacuna — to create relief or, conversely, tension. Her latest single SHAKE + BAKE "[is] a really sexual sort of song, so it was a nice change in pace from my earlier heavy stuff."

"A particular mate of mine was enduring a pretty toxic relationship and I wanted to support her and other people that have had to put up with fuck-boys and -girls. This is a stand-alone track. My first EP was about overcoming grief after the death of my father and the upcoming album has a new concept all together. This is a one off idea to give people some more music to connect to and enjoy."