Just Visiting: The Maine

18 November 2015 | 2:48 pm | Artist Submission

"We are coming because it's been far too long and we really miss you guys."

More The Maine More The Maine

Answered by: Jared Monaco

Why are you coming to visit our fair country? We are coming because it's been far too long and we really miss you guys.

Is this your first visit? It's not. If I had to guess, I'd say we've been there two or three times now.

How long are you here for? This trip will be pretty brief — we are doing three headlining shows.

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What do you know about Australia, in ten words or less? Everyone is better looking than us! And kangaroos. And beaches.

Any extra-curricular activities you hope to participate in while here? Not sure what the weather will be like but I wouldn't mind soaking up some sun.

What will you be taking home as a souvenir? Hopefully a massive bag full of Tim Tams!

Where can we come say hi, and buy you an Aussie beer? 30 Nov, The Brightside

Website link for more info? wearethemaine.net