The Sunshine Coast 18-year-old is one to definitely keep an eye on as he soars through 2018..
Chakra Efendi's debut single Waste Of Space has such a mature and developed sound to it, that it's hard to picture its creator as a young 18-year-old from the Sunshine Coast. Following on from a bunch of demos that litter his current Soundcloud account, Waste Of Space is the first 'official' debut single from Efendi and it's an absolute charmer, bringing together this lo-fi indie-rock flavour with his soothing vocals to create a single that definitely has the potential to do great things in the current Australian indie-rock world. "I wrote Waste Of Space during a part of my life that I was experiencing dissociation for the first time. I was completely oblivious and uneducated as to what it was that I was feeling", says Chakra Efendi, explaining the single's meaning, which he goes onto explain in an introductory Q&A below. Dive into the single and it's meaning below, plus what to expect from the young-gun as he strives towards his biggest year yet.
Tell us about yourself?
18 years old, born and raised on the Sunshine Coast (Nambour, god bless) and currently living on friends couches in Brisbane. I don't condone the use of plastic bags, but damn they're handy when you're living out of one.
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What kinda tunes we talkin’?
I've always used writing as a vent, so I guess a lot of my music is very personal and at times auto-biographical. For me, I find that writing music and poetry is one of the most sincere and honest ways to express emotion.
Production/writing process:
I'm almost always half asleep at 4 AM when I have a good idea, so I record a demo on my iPhone voice memos otherwise I pass out and forget it. The lyrics come about in different ways, sometimes I'll write them on the spot with the chord progression, other times I'll use poetry that I've already written and adapt it to fit into the song.
Can you tell us about your new single, Waste Of Space?
Waste Of Space was written when I was experiencing dissociation for the first time. I was about 15 or 16 and had no idea what I was going through or how I could do anything about it, the only way I could express what I was feeling was through writing.
Any shows coming up?
I'll be supporting Flowertruckon the 14th of April at The Foundry while they're up in QLD for their album tour.
What’s the rest of the year have in store?
Just finished recording an EP, so hopefully that should be coming out soon. I've been sitting on some of these songs for years and I'm keen to finally release them.
Where can we hear more of your music?
You can find my music on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, YouTube, triple j Unearthed, and all the other usual nooks and crannies of the internet.
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