Interview: PUCK

31 January 2015 | 11:00 am | Pilerats
Originally Appeared In

Best Metal/Heavy WAM Award winners PUCK talk split EPs with Jack Burton.. After landing themselves Best Metal/Heavy Act at the WA Music (WAM) awards, local legends PUCK have been making some serious waves in the past few months. The Perth-based three-piece have a distinct aesthetic to their sound with slow and heavy riffs, touching on areas of stoner rock, shoegaze and all around heavy goodness. Earlier this week we sat down with Liam, the vocalist and drummer from PUCK, and asked him a few questions about their upcoming split EP and how they’ve been growing as a band. Can you tell us a bit about the members of PUCK and how it started up? It was just me and Steve at first and we were just jamming on new riffs of his that didn’t really sound like riffs that we were writing at the time. It sort of filled itself out just between the two of us enough, and then when we decided to actually start something with it he’d play with a bass amp live. We were a two-piece for ages but then we were