Have You Heard: The Rumjacks

22 January 2016 | 2:38 pm | Artist Submission

More The Rumjacks More The Rumjacks

Answered by: Frankie McLaughlin

When did you start making music and why? In my mid to late teens. By then, school had succeeded in convincing me I was pretty crap at almost everything, so why not be crap at something cool, right?

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Celto, punky ragga-shanty.

If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Do box sets count? No Thanks!: The '70s Punk Rebellion. There's 100 songs on that sucker! Or any box set for that matter, purely on a value for money basis, and we ARE talking forevermore… 

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Greatest rock 'n' roll moment of your career to date? Accidentally pulling off the perfect pirouette while playing guitar at a festival in Eastern Poland last year. SO graceful, my Purple Rain moment. 'Sigh'. Seriously though, playing at 2am to 15,000 people at Italy's Montelago Celtic Festival was pretty special.

Why should people come and see your band? Last chance for a while… Gotta keep moving or they'll bulldoze us and build apartments where we used to be.

When and where is your next gig? 7 Feb at The Sydney Rock & Roll Alternative market — Manning Bar, Sydney Uni.

Website link for more info? therumjacks.com