Answered by: Josh Stewart
When did you start making music and why? When I was 17 I played the drums, I sucked. Gradually, I started learning other instruments and got into recording — nothing beats recording a song from scratch.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Poptastic rock'n'roll.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Ahhh, hard question, too much to consider... Let's go with Is This It? by The Strokes, because it was released in 2001 and it still gets thrashed regularly, (2001 to 2016 is basically forever).
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Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Hmm… When I was eating breakfast one morning and our song blasted through the TV as a Ford Ranger commercial came on — that was cool! However the fact that was over two years ago makes me feel washed up!
Why should people come and see your band? They're usually free and if not they're very cheap, also because we didn't become Cara Delevingne's fave band by sucking.
When and where for your next gig? QUBE Effect in the Valley Mall 17 Apr at 4.20pm; followed by a gig at the Solbar 29 Apr!
Website link for more info?