Have You Heard: Stabbitha & The Knifey Wifeys

14 October 2016 | 3:41 pm | Staff Writer

Answered by: Eb Tonkin
When did you start making music and why? Mid 2014. Sass told me we should start a feminist punk band. So we did. Managed to rope in the rest of these cool cats to help us too.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Short, punchy, anrgy, stabby.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Sing Sing Death House by The Distillers. Brody's vocals are badass and the songs are short for people with short attention spans, like me, and have a slackness and recklessness about them that I love. 
Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? The time Huey crowd surfed for a whole song at our EP launch while still playing guitar...badly. Or that time I accidentally cut the power to most of the band room at The Metro. Good times.
Why should people come and see your band? Short, angry, stabby songs, but still with good vibes, just like us. Also, Huey is good looking and single. 
When and where for your next gig? So stoked to be playing Scumfest at the old Queen's theatre on 26th of November! 
Website link for more info? Facebook.com/stabbithaandtheknifeywifeys/

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