When did you start making music and why? October 2013 is our anniversary! Because some things you need to say just sound better in melody.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Real instruments, real people.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Gillian Welch — Time (The Revelator). Perfectly simple yet true.
Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Our guitarist got food poisoning before a show. We told stories every time he disappeared off stage. Eventually the audience caught on, applauding when he'd come back from another episode. The rock'n'roller was still the last to leave that night!
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Why should people come and see your band? Come and listen because you want to. Come and see us because we're fun! Come and chat because we're people.
When and where for your next gig? 7- 10 Jul, Bello Winter Music Fest!
Website link for more info? honeyandknives.com