Have You Heard: Comacozer

3 November 2015 | 2:12 pm | Artist Submission

"We'll take you on a sonic adventure. Close your eyes, lose your mind, take a journey through space and time."

Answered by: Andrew Pana

When did you start making music and why? Comacozer trio, Andrew, Rick and Rich came together in mid-2013 with a vision to formulate cosmic tunes of mind-bending dark, heavy, psych stoner rock to break the listener's brain and distort their reality.

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Psychedelic stoner space doom.

If you could support any band in the world — past or present — who would it be? Black Sabbath — they started it all! What more is there to say! GODS OF ROCK! Riff lords!

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If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Black Sabbath's Paranoid LP. This release has influenced so many rock/metal bands since its release in 1970. Every track on that album is epic and the album shaped heavy music to what it is today.

Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Comacozer being signed to Dutch Label, Headspin Records who are releasing our debut LP Astra Planeta in early 2016 and have recently released our previous two EPs Deloun and Sessions on 12" coloured vinyl. An absolute dream come true for us.

Why should people come and see your band? We'll take you on a sonic adventure. Close your eyes, lose your mind, take a journey through space and time.

When and where for your next gig? Smoke & Doom, 14 Nov at Lewisham Hotel. Eight amazing Australian stoner/doom/heavypsych bands taking you on a journey!

Website link for more info? comacozer.bandcamp.com