Have You Heard: Breaking Orbit

14 August 2012 | 5:15 am | Staff Writer

Get to know local band Breaking Orbit.

More Breaking Orbit More Breaking Orbit

How did you get together?
We have all being playing music together in various forms for eight or nine years and crossed paths regularly within the Sydney live music scene. Following some earlier projects along with a lineup and name change in 2009, we started to pull together our debut record. We've been recording and touring ever since.

Have you recorded anything or do you prefer to tool around in your bedroom?
We initially put out a number of small releases to showcase our sound back in 2009, with some earlier tracks released under our previous incarnation Nucleus. Since then we've released the album singles, My Direction and Callsign (along with a number of b-sides). But by far our most pertinent release to date is our debut record, The Time Traveller.

Can you sum up your band's sound in four words?
Eclectic, tribal, progressive, emotive.

If you could support any band in the world, who would it be and why?
Oceansize – this awe-inspiring UK outfit had a significant influence on our musical development (individually and as a band). When they came out with COG in 2009 we hung out with them briefly, but most importantly it was great to engage with people who spoke a similar musical language to us. They are all both individually and collectively such amazing musicians, it's just a shame they're not together anymore.

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If a higher power smites your house and you could only save one record from the fire, what would it be?
Brian Eno, Music For Airports (Vinyl Collectors).

Do you have a lucky item of clothing you wear for gigs and what is it?
Not really – I'd like to believe none of us require a piece of clothing to play well.

If you invited someone awesome round for dinner what would you cook?
Peking duck.

When and where is your next show?
Friday 17 August, The Annandale; and Saturday 18, The Basement, Canberra