Answered by: Tony Bonney, director
Why should punters visit you? We are a niche festival in Tasmania that celebrates the human voice in all its forms and diversity — from choral and sacred music, to gospel and a cappella, and contemporary artists and singers.
What's the history of the event? It started in 2004 to bring people to Hobart in winter and remains one of Tasmania's key and longest running winter festivals.
Any advice for first timers who want to visit the event? The festival provides 140-plus events over 16 days, from concerts, workshops and installations — so plan your time and stay warm.
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Who's performing this time around? Meow Meow, Tripod, Ngaiire, Stonefield, Abbe May, Jamie McDowell & Tom Thumb, Lady Sings It Better, Shane Howard & Yirrmal, Taasha Coates, Singh & Blanes, The Broads.
Do you have any plans for the event in the future? That's a secret!
When and where for your next event? 30 Jun - 17 Jul, Hobart & Launceston.
Website link for more info?