Have You Been To: Glebe Gig Hop

13 September 2016 | 3:38 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Shani Moffat, Event Producer

The Event: Glebe Gig Hop

Why should punters visit you? We are showcasing heaps of amazing bands and musicians all day in Glebe for free! Because we love live music and want to see more. How could you say no?

What's the history of the event? We love music and despite the lock out laws, residential pressures and complex compliance, Glebe venues are powering through and putting on live music every week. We wanted to do something special to celebrate!

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Any advice for first timers who want to visit the event? Grab brekkie and tunes at Glebe markets, get a Murray's beer at Staves, and venue hop down to Mr Falcon's.

Who's performing this time around? Hip hop legends Astronomy Class, rock god Keish De Silva from Hard-Ons, songstresses Elizabeth Hughes and Justine Eltakchi, New Orleans jazzers The Low Down Riders and punks Dead Farmers.

Do you have any plans for the event in the future? If it goes off like a frog in a sock on Saturday, we're hoping that next year we can make it even bigger, with more acts and even more venues involved!

When and where for your next event? 17 Sep, multiple venues on Glebe Point Road and surrounds.

Website link for more info? glebe.com.au/gighop