
18 September 2012 | 6:00 am | Stuart Evans

"I’m sitting in my underwear in front of a mixing desk in Berlin. I’m thinking about what I’ll do today."

"I'm sitting in my underwear in front of a mixing desk in Berlin. I'm thinking about what I'll do today,” tells a forthright Feelings, better known as Simon Berkfinger. That is some personal information shared right there. It is good when interviewer and an interviewee get intimate.

Berkfinger is explaining that he is looking directly at a grand piano in the corner of his Berlin studio. There is also a drum machine, he says, and numerous other instruments. He cannot play the piano. “Well, I can just play enough to get by. It's a challenge to try other and play other instruments as I am always trying to throw myself curveballs,” he laughs.

Berkfinger, now going under the name Feelings, is still largely known for his work with the now defunct Philadelphia Grand Jury who burst onto the scene with their shockingly catchy, Going To The Casino (Tomorrow Night). The name is a tad confusing as the three members of Philly Grand Jury hail from Sydney. All the same, last year the trio called time on the collective, citing “creative differences” between founding members Berkfinger and Joel “MC Bad Genius”. After the split, Berkfinger upped sticks and shifted to Berlin to focus on his solo work. Even though the divide occurred over a year ago, Berkfinger reveals that he is still confirming the band's demise with fans via social media. “It's a bit sad telling people on Facebook that we have split and that we will not be playing together again,” he says.

When news first broke of a division within the Philly's, the announcement said they were on “hiatus” with Berkfinger stating that Philadelphia Grand Jury is just one of his musical personas. The statement added that Berkfinger moved his recording gear to Berlin. In November 2011, the band announced via their Facebook page that they had split up. Berkfinger reveals that there are obvious pros and cons to going alone. “It's very scary going out on your own and you start to think about your career, which isn't a good thing to think about.”

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There have been a few other eye-opening moments since he has flown the Philly coup. “The biggest thing I've noticed is that it's hard for me to actually finish anything as whenever I sit down to finish something I always start writing new material. I've gone off on a lot of musical tangents and put pressure on myself by constantly challenging and tricking myself,” he tells.

He is not kidding. He has a recorded 80 songs for his forthcoming debut album, with one potential song recorded over nine years ago. He has also coined a new phrase for his musical shape shifting. “It's called spontaneous instrumentation,” he laughs before veering off to one of his loved tangents. “I can't decide on what songs to use. When two people collaborate, they try different instruments and different approaches. I try a similar thing by playing an instrument and then playing another instrument with a similar melody. I then may try playing something else immediately afterwards.”

If that sounds like hyperactive approach to music, it is. Thankfully, Berkfinger explains that there are other ways to expand and develop. “I've always got musicians dropping by who will often collaborate.”

His first single under the Feelings banner is One In A Million, which has already been lauded. He's also embarking on a national tour with the likes of Art Vs. Science's Dan Sweat and Dappled Cities' David Rennick. The Berkfinger live show experience is still a work in progress. “One thing about Philadelphia Grand Jury is that we had a great live show. It was fresh and had this cool energy about it. I'm still working on my live show as it needs to surprise.”

Feelings will be playing the following shows:

Wednesday 19 September - Beach Road Hotel, Bondi NSW
Thursday 20 September - Alhambra Lounge, Brisbane QLD
Friday 21 September - GoodGod, Sydney NSW
Saturday 22 September - Workers Club, Melbourne VIC