EP Focus: Mezzanine

24 July 2012 | 4:30 am | Staff Writer

Mezzanine chat to us about their new EP, Vile Horizons.

How many releases do you have now?

Vile Horizons is our second EP in the past 12 months, our debut was called Novella and was released in August 2011.

How long did it take to write/record?

Well, it was written over a few months and then whipped into shape in the studio over a week.

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Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making?

I find the best inspiration comes from just living your life. The overarching things and the small seemingly insignificant things, they all contribute to how the music comes out, it's just a matter of how the cards fall.

What's your favourite song on it?

The opening song Someone To Abuse is certainly my favourite, it's the most fun to play live and it was the most pleasurable to record. Something about playing power chords really floats my boat.

Will you do anything differently next time?

I don't think we could make the same record twice if we tried, as we explore new paths and rediscover old ones the sound will naturally take its course, hopefully in a direction louder and crazier than the last.

Will you be launching it?

Yeah, we are heading out on our first national tour and will playing a couple of shows in your fair old city. Thursday 26 July at The Lansdowne with The Vernons and Karl Williams and the following night, Friday 27, at The Forbes with Lepers and Crooks & The Water Board. Can't Wait!

For more info see:
