Answered by: Angus Hunter, Marketing Manager
What kind of courses do you offer? Diploma of Screen and Media, Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media and Short Filmmaking Courses.
What kind of people would these courses suit? Our students are creative, collaborative doers. We encourage creative expression through filmmaking and embrace the diversity of our student community. Our courses appeal to those who learn best through practical immersion rather than classroom theory.
What makes you different to other educational institutions? We are a diverse creative community, united by a passion for filmmaking. Our students make around 180 short films a year. You learn by making films. That experience translates to an 85% industry employment rate from the Advanced Diploma.
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Do you offer job opportunities, internships, or other ways to help students get ahead? Our Advanced Diploma includes a work placement as part of the course. We also support our best student films by offering a distribution budget to assist with film festival applications and online promotion.
When and where is your next Info Day/Open Day? 3 Sep, 2 — 5pm, 82 Cope Street, Waterloo.
Website link for more info?