Answered by: Bernadette Norton, CEO
What kind of courses do you offer? Australian Guild of Music Education is for real musicians. We are a fully accredited non-profit organisation specialising in music performance, composition and technology. Students can study online or on campus at Kooyong, in Melbourne. We offer certificate courses, Diploma of Music, Advanced Diploma of Music and a Bachelor of Music.
Do you offer practical on-site learning or more of a theoretical base? We provide individual instrumental/vocal tuition in classical and contemporary genres and styles. Our courses are delivered online and on site. Lectures are streamed online, individual lessons are either in person or by Skype.
What makes you different to other educational institutions? Students are provided with the skills required for the contemporary 21st century musician. Our campus boasts two state of the art recording studios, concert stage, computer lab, practice rooms and recreation areas. Specialists and highly qualified staff are available online and in person to support and guide students throughout their studies.
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What kind of social activities do you offer? We keep out fingers on the pulse as well as the beat! We listen to what our students are saying as well as commentators. As we only provide courses in music, we are agile and able to move quickly with the times.
Do you offer job opportunities, internships, or other ways to help students get ahead? We provide many opportunities for our students to network and work collaboratively. This extends to our online students who utilise our technologies and social media to stay in touch and work together. Our courses are vocationally oriented in line with current industry practice.
When and where is your next Info Day/Open Day? By appointment
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