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Principal Brett Wood says you’ll never ask the question “when will I ever use this?” if you’re studying at Music Industry College.
What kind of courses do you offer? We offer senior secondary Queensland Certificate of Education and OP courses. Our courses are all contextualised to the music industry; as an example our Year 11 Maths students will learn how to budget for an international tour with a four-piece band. They’ll need to understand all the costs associated with that tour: passports, visas, airfares, ground transport, per diems, accommodation, venue hire, taxes, excess baggage and incidentals.
Do you offer practical on-site learning or more of a theoretical base? Within the prescribed QCAA syllabi there are theoretical aspects to the course and students will need to fulfil those requirements; however we encourage a hands-on and practical approach to all subjects. Students have opportunities to work (book, promote, audio engineer, stage manage, operate lighting console) our live music venue 38 Berwick Street, write for our music blog starvingkids.org.au, script, score, film and produce our school musicals, produce weekly zines, produce short films, documentaries and music videos, record and produce singles and EPs, produce their own live music and art events.
What makes you different to other institutions? In terms of how we differ from other high schools we make the curriculum relevant for any Year 11 or 12 student who wants a career in the music industry. We focus on what will help them carve out a sustainable career in music. We also focus on the individual student and their goals and desires and match learning experiences to the outcomes they are seeking. We connect with the local industry to provide opportunities for students to get their foot in the door. We seek out internships, school-based traineeships and work experience for our students. There is also no rule book at MIC, we operate on four pillars: respect, trust, participation and community.
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Do you offer job opportunities, internships, or other ways to help students get ahead? We offer various work experience opportunities to students throughout their studies, such as backstage and front of house experience at our 38 Berwick venue, recording studios and event management activities. Our students also undertake work placements, school-based traineeships and internships at places like 4ZZZ, Footstomp Music, SGC Media, The Old Museum and Music Media Inside Out.
When and where is your next Info Day/Open Day? Saturday 22 August, 10am–12pm, Music Industry College campus, 38 Berwick Street, Fortitude Valley. For an expression of interest form visitmic.org.au/enrol/ or call 07 3852 3074.
Website link for more info? mic.org.au