DMC'S Running

26 July 2012 | 4:17 pm | Staff Writer

Charlie Chan

Brief background: I've been DJing for nine years. Previously battled in DMC 2006/07/08 and IDA 2008 and have supported some big names in electronic dance music, including Zeds Dead, Skrillex and Knife Party to name a few.

Dopest deck maestro you've ever supported: I really enjoyed playing alongside Californian turntablist DJ Platurn in Melbourne a few
years back.

Most inspirational DMC set you've seen: I-Emerge, 2004. No one has ever brought such raw aggression and a legit battle mentality to a world final like he did.

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Why is the return of the DMCs in Oz solid news? Given the DJ phenomenon that's hanging around these days, the return of DMC sheds light on the true origins of DJing in a time when 'everyone is a DJ'. More exposure to the true roots of DJing can only be a positive thing and will hopefully bring more attention and raise understanding of the artform to a wider audience.

You juggle like… Charlie Chan

You scratch like… Charlie Chan

Most cut, juggled 'n' scratched record in your possession? Heavy Petting Breaks by D-Styles.

Tricks you have up your sleeve for the night: You'll have to wait and see…

If you win, to the national/international finals you'll bring… The fire!


Brief background: Been DJing around seven years now, represent SBX the Syllabolix Crew. Also I'm an MC with a collab album out called Guest Verses on SBX releases with a mixtape album dropping real soon.

Dopest deck maestro you've ever supported: Warmed up for DJ Qbert this year, he is incredible, but big shout outs to Zeke who could be better! Yeah I said it!

Most inspirational DMC set you've seen: Plus One, 2001; maaad skills plus he smashed up hip hop and drum'n'bass which is very necessary. DMCs is about skill but your tunes need to bang.

Why is the return of the DMCs in Oz solid news? The digital DJing era; Serato etc has opened wide avenues for DJs, the creation process of battle sets allows you to have more fun and control with it. Skills really matter for the heads that know and want to see a club/venue get smashed up.

You scratch like… You'd like to.

You juggle like… You'd like to.

Most cut, juggled 'n' scratched record in your possession? A Tribe Called Quest – Oh My God.

Tricks? Maaan, I'm sayin' nothin'! Believe the cuts will be clean, juggles smart, and tune selection so ill people will be walkin' out needin' neck braces.

If you win, to the national/international finals you'll bring… Defyre!



Brief background: Just started over a year ago. I was introduced to turnablism in April of 2011. Sneakerhead/turntablist/
uni student.

Dopest deck maestro you've ever supported: I'm still new to the game so I haven't supported anyone yet. I hope to soon!

Most inspirational DMC set you've seen: DJ Craze, 1998 USA DMC Finals routine. He did everything in that set! It's also the main reason why I wanted to become a turntablist DJ.

Why is the return of the DMCs in Oz solid news? There hasn't been a DMC in Aus' since 2008. Since then, the people have been missing out on a lot of talent and pure madness.

You scratch like… Haven't found my scratch doppelganger yet.

You juggle like… DJ I-Dee, I think?

Most cut, juggled 'n' scratched record in your possession? DJ Qbert – Superseal Breaks.

Tricks? Incorporating my double jointed thumbs into scratching.

If you win, to the national/international finals you'll bring… My sneakers and my grandma's chicken adobo (Filipino chicken dish)


 Brief background: More than 15 years honing my trade DJing in the UK and around Australia, currently presenting Mutation on RTRfm on a Monday night, where the mash-up is the king.

Dopest deck maestro you've ever supported: UK's finest: Swifty and Audio Q5A.

Most inspirational DMC set you've seen: 15-year-old A-Trak's world DMC winning set back in 1997, showed what could be done with lots and lots of practice and plenty of inspiration.

Why is the return of the DMCs in Oz solid news? It shows that turntablism here is back on the agenda and that real Aussie DJs still haven't been superseded by auto-sync and digital fakers.

You scratch like… I've been thrown into a malaria-infested swamp at sundown.

You juggle like… I've been handed eight hot potatoes.

Most cut, juggled 'n' scratched record in your possession? Run DMC's Here We Go (Ahh Yeaah!).

Tricks? All will be revealed, but rest assured for dope tricks from funk to punk.

If you win, to the national/international finals you'll bring… The average age of the contestants up by a decade!