From Issue 15 of Pilerats Magazine.. This excerpt has been taken from Issue 15 of Pilerats Magazine. To experience the full interactive feature download it HERE. So how have the live shows been going, I know you’ve played one already right? Yeah we did one a while ago because Johann (I OH YOU) wanted to see us play live to make sure we didn’t totally suck haha. There wasn’t many people there, but we’re doing one next week as well, I think, maybe, I dunno. Well you’ve got a tour in May, so how’s rehearsing going and how do you guys gel on stage so far? Yeah it’s good. All the other dudes we’ve got to play – there’s us three and then three other dudes to play. We’ve all been in bands for ages so it’s mad. And we’re all good friends, so it doesn’t feel like we haven’t played before. It feels like we’ve been doing it for a while. How’s it been for you guys, I know you’ve been in bands for a long time and working on the DMA’s for a while now as well, but then at the start of the year I OH