Divebar Youth Explores The Power Of Unity & Why Creatives Must Stick Together

20 September 2023 | 3:42 pm | Divebar Youth
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By sticking together, creatives become a collective force capable of effecting change in society, whether through their art, their ideas, or their actions.

Divebar Youth

Divebar Youth (Credit: Alana Jagt)

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Vinnie Barbaro is an artist, producer and songwriter who releases music under the title DIVEBAR YOUTH.

For Vinnie, creativity isn’t merely a hobby; it is a lifeline, a means to forge his identity, and a way to sidestep the struggles of conformity and acceptance. DIVEBAR YOUTH best encapsulates his evolution as an artist, reflecting not only his personal growth but also his ability to synthesise diverse influences into a cohesive musical vision. 

Vinnie's journey mirrors the struggles that many creatives face. In a world that often prioritises conformity, it can be challenging to carve out a niche for oneself and to remain true to one's artistic vision. However, it is precisely during these moments of adversity that the creative community can play a vital role in supporting and empowering one another. 

Creativity knows no boundaries, and it thrives in the presence of diversity. Vinnie's collaboration on the song PANIC, which was born during the TikTok x APRA AMCOS SongHubs event in Adelaide, exemplifies this beautifully.

Placed in a room with Cahli Blakers (of Teenage Joans) and Dave Jenkins Jr. (known for his work with Daniel Johns and Bec Sandridge), the three artists had never met each other before. Yet, when their musical worlds collided, an explosion of energy and creativity ensued.

Cahli Blakers & Dave Jenkins Jr. Credit: Alana Jagt

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What makes this collaboration truly remarkable is the depth of the conversation that preceded the creation of PANIC. The artists delved into the profound impact of fear on the world, how easily it can be weaponised, and the actions it can drive people to take. PANIC is more than just a song; it is a catalyst for change, a reflection of the world's turbulent nature, and a mirror held up to society's vulnerabilities. Barbaro says:

With the way I make music now, it can be easy to forget how much I enjoy the energy that a group of creatives bring. I feel like when a bunch of artists are put in a room with no guidance or expectations, some of the most exciting things can happen.

This collaboration is a perfect example of why creatives should stick together. It demonstrates how, when individuals from different backgrounds and experiences unite, they can create something far greater than the sum of their parts. It's a testament to the idea that collaboration fuels creativity and that the creative community thrives when artists support one another. 

At its core, creativity is about pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and inspiring change. When creatives stick together, they create a network of support that allows them to take risks, break free from conformity, and explore uncharted territories. They become a collective force capable of effecting change in society, whether through their art, their ideas, or their actions. Barbaro adds:

I think that the creative community provides a safe haven. It offers a space where uniqueness is celebrated, where the power of self-expression reigns supreme. I think that this sense of belonging is crucial for artists, as it enables us to find our authentic voices and share our stories with the world.

“Creatives serve as society's storytellers, capturing the essence of their time and reflecting it back to the world through their work. PANIC, for instance, addresses the pervasive influence of fear, a topic that resonates deeply in today's world.

When artists come together, they break down barriers, challenge the status quo, and create works of art that transcend boundaries. 

PANIC is out now and is a part of Divebar Youth’s debut EP, SONDER.

He is gearing up to take PANIC and the entire debut EP on the road with a series of electrifying live shows across Australia that will be announced soon.