Disconnect Festival: Bloom

11 December 2015 | 3:53 pm | Artist Submission

More Bloom More Bloom

Answered by: Bloom

Member & Role: Singer/Songwriter

The festival scene in WA is an interesting beast. What are you expecting from the inaugural Disconnect? This is my first festival, so I am not really sure what to expect other than a great creative energy/atmosphere and a whole bunch of artists coming together to share their music.

How will you spend your time at the festival? I unfortunately can't stay for the whole weekend due to other shows, but on the Friday when I am there I plan to check out as many acts as possible. New artists always inspire me, so really looking forward to the other shows as well as my own.

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Best road trip story/memory? I have had a few… I suppose the best ones now are the worst ones because you look back now and laugh… One that comes to mind was a few hours out of Perth, I can't remember the location, but we were offered accommodation after the gig and the house we were directed to didn't have a lock on the front door, it was down the end of this dirt track and it was filled with flies!!! So many flies!!! It was something out of a horror movie and I was too scared to fall asleep — we then had to drive home in over 40 degree heat with no air con — heat stroke & gig that night was tough!

What artists are you most excited to see at Disconnect Festival and why? Meg Mac is great and I haven't had a chance to see her yet, I believe she is playing on Friday so I will definitely catch that!

What do you have planned for 2016? Touring is on the top of my list now that the EP is launched, it is time to take it on the road! Off to Melbourne early next year and then would love to play at CMJ in New York or SXSW…

When & where: 11-13 Dec, Disconnect Festival, Fairbridge Village

For more news and information about Disconnect, see our dedicated festival tab.