Can you give us a tweet-length summary of your show? A musical celebration of the real life pantomime villains & dastardly deeds in rugby league and other sports. #RugbyLeagueTheMusical!
How do you unwind after a show? Ideally I wind down after the show by sitting at the bar chatting. Maybe a bite to eat. More often than not I end up winding down by packing up all my gear and lugging it down several staircases. I need a roadie.
Do you have any topics you avoid making jokes about? If there’s a scandal in Rugby League or any other sport, I’ll be singing about it. Brace yourself. It could get nasty. No topic is taboo – unless it doesn’t make me laugh.
Is there anyone else in the festival you’re hanging out to see? I’m looking forward to seeing Jim Jefferies and Neel Kolhatkar. Gift vouchers (available now) looks hysterical too.
Website link for more info?