Answered by: Kyle Morris
Album title? Blue Isla
Where did the title of your new album come from? The title is a sum up of where the five of us are in life. Such as for me, it is about my new life as a father and the relationships with my family.
How many releases do you have now? This will be our second.
How long did it take to write/record? The writing process was close to a year, although once we got into the studio to record, further material was written. Once finished we recorded the album in three weeks at STL Studios.
Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Personally, the last year of my life, as well as camping in a van with four other guys during the recording process.
What’s your favourite song on it? That’s hard. But it would be a tie between Blue Isla and I Know.
Will you do anything differently next time? Yes always, just have to figure out what. We always want to push and develop ourselves to be better musicians.
When and where is your launch/next gig? We are currently half-way through our Blue Isla tour. Next we have Royal Melbourne Hotel, 28 Feb.
Website link for more info?