8 September 2014 | 3:22 pm | Staff Writer

More Bonjah More Bonjah

Name: David Morgan

Role: Bass Player

Hometown: Melbourne

Short description of your band and your music: We’re a four-piece bluesy rock outfit that like to play Celtic goblin-core folk. We’re inspired by the likes of Kylie Minogue and Riverdance legend Michael Flatley.

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What are you hoping to achieve from showcasing at BIGSOUND? We’re looking to mingle with like-minded people, drink beer and discuss the ins and outs of making a career in music. We’re truly stoked for the opportunity and looking forward to rocking The Zoo on Thursday night.

Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at BIGSOUND? Because we’re not cool, we’re geeks who play music and that’ll be a nice change from all the ‘cool’ bands.