BIGSOUND 2019 Artist Focus: Stellie

30 August 2019 | 8:01 am | Artist Submission

What you need to know about your BIGSOUND artists.

More Stellie More Stellie

Answered by: Gabriella Pansini

Give us a short description of your music: Indie-pop with a bit of a jazz flare. In saying this, I’d like to think that as I grow and evolve as a person/artist, my sound will evolve along with me too.

Which acts are on your must-see list at BIGSOUND? Kat Edwards is a definite must-see – her latest release Good Girl has been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it. As well as local Adelaide guys TOWNS.

Why should people come and see you among the many amazing bands at BIGSOUND? Whenever and wherever I perform, my aim is to always leave the audience with those special moments that stick in the back of your mind. I love it when artists take risks, do things that make them slightly uneasy – I want to challenge myself as well as the audience.

What music trends do you think are dominating right now, and do you have any predictions for the coming year? People are becoming more experimental with their sounds, and listeners more open-minded. Artists are caring less about what is deemed mainstream and taking the more left-of-centre approach. It's important for any artist to feel comfortable in their skin and have this reflect in their music.

In your career to date, what have been the key watershed moments? Playing my first ever live shows supporting Lime Cordiale in my hometown will always be an absolute highlight for me. The energy in that room was unmatched, and ever since, I have been trying to top it. Releasing my first single Cry Baby was pretty monumental for me too.

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What industry lessons would you like to take away from the BIGSOUND conference? I'm pretty new to all things music industry related, so my aim is to really take as much as I can away from the conference. I'd love to learn more about the mechanical insides of the industry and other people's perspectives on what it takes to become a successful artist.

What do you identify as the most pressing issue impacting the Australian music industry at present? The threat to music festivals. We have seen the closures of multiple festivals across Aus in the past couple of months. If the closure of these festivals (eg Mountain Sounds) continues, this will result in less opportunities for Aussie artists to showcase their talent and art.

What is the best bit of advice you've been given to prepare for your time at BIGSOUND? You are not in control of other people's feelings.

When and where is your BIGSOUND showcase? 3 Sep, The Flying Cock, 9.40pm; 4 Sep, Made In Adelaide, Ric's Big Backyard, 2.30pm; 5 Sep, Unified Showcase, Ric's Big Backyard, 2.30pm; 5 Sep, Heya Bar, 8.20pm.