Answered by: Adam Kelly, Manager
Hometown: Melbourne
Give us a short description your music: A combination of jangly guitars/hip-hop beats/synth rhythms; melding the sounds of a talk box one minute and reggae-inspired guitar next.
What is the best thing that's happened to you/your band so far? Multiple headline US tours, signing with EPIC Records out of the US and reaching a million views on a track the first time it happened.
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What acts are you looking forward to checking out at the BIGSOUND showcase? Tash Sultana, Wallace, Thando.
Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at BIGSOUND? There won't be many more chances to see them in a venue that size.
When and where is your BIGSOUND showcase? 7 Sep, The Zoo, 11.20pm - 11.50pm.