Answered by: Alexander Moses, vocals and guitar
Hometown: Brisbane
Give us a short description your music: Three piece rock/punk.
What is the best thing that's happened to you/your band so far? We had the opportunity to play the main-stage at Brisbane Soundwave 2015 and it was such an amazing experience.
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Has the party side of the music industry been all you were hoping for so far in your career? I think it has been better than I expected. We started a band to play and write music, but the partying and great times has been the best side effect.
What industry lessons would you like to take away from the BIGSOUND conference? I'd love to learn more about songwriting, marketing and creating a unique image for your band.
What acts are you looking forward to checking out at the BIGSOUND showcase? Ceres and Tash Sultana are the artists I'm most excited to see.
Why should people come and see you from amongst the many cool bands at BIGSOUND? We're a passionate, young band that love playing punk rock music and having a good time. If that sounds like something you'd be into, come hang out.
When and where is your BIGSOUND showcase? 7 Sep, Woolly Mammoth, 11.30.