Album Focus: Monique Brumby

28 August 2014 | 4:35 pm | Staff Writer

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Album title: Monique Brumby

Where did the title of your new album come from? This is my fifth album and it made sense for the album to be self-titled as I have been very hands-on with production and engineering and many of the songs are lyrically autobiographical.

How many releases do you have now? I have released five albums and three EPs.

How long did it take to write/record? The album took three years from the initial songs being written to the last mixes being completed.

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Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? My current single Silent War was inspiring to write. This song is about celebration of same-sex unions and my desire to have marriage recognised in Australia for same-sex couples.

What’s your favourite song on it? In This Game is my favourite song. It started as an experiment in my music software program.

Will you do anything differently next time? The album includes a lot of electro elements. If I was to do anything differently I would just refine my workflow in my music software.