Album Focus: Isaac De Heer

28 August 2014 | 1:09 pm | Staff Writer

Name: Isaac de Heer

Album title: Summer

Where did the title of your new album come from? My late grandfather’s poem. It was amazing how the words just fell into the music. Summer seems perfect – especially because we are heading into the depths of winter, it’s looking for something that can’t be.

How many releases do you have now? This is my third full-length release.

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How long did it take to write/record? It was written in intense bursts over a couple of years. Although two of the tracks were half-written quite a while back – but the rest are within this containable period.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? Yes – learning, travelling and getting some different instruments in South America halfway through the process made the whole thing playful again, because I didn’t have a clue as to how to play these instruments properly!

What’s your favourite song on it? Memory; it’s just under two minutes and is full of snippets of strange percussive noises.

Will you do anything differently next time? Maybe I’d ask for a little more help recording the tracks. I’d often add an extra half-a-minute recording time in order to run around to the drums.