Album Focus: Cub Sport

3 March 2016 | 3:53 pm | Artist Submission

More Cub Sport More Cub Sport

Answered by: Tim Nelson

Album title? This Is Our Vice

Where did the title of your new album come from? It's from the lyrics of one the album songs Vice. We felt like it really fit the sound and the mood of the album, there weren't ever any other titles in contention. 

How many releases do you have now? We've released two EPs and this is our first full-length album.

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How long did it take to write/record? I wrote most of the songs at the start of 2014, but a couple of them are based around song ideas I started years ago. We recorded it over two weeks.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? I'm always inspired by the people in my life, that's normally what I write about. Musically, I was listening to a lot of Blood Orange, Sky Ferreira, Arcade Fire, Beyonce and Lorde at the time.

What's your favourite song on it? That's like choosing a favourite child but I'd say Come On Mess Me Up, Runner, Only Friend, Sun or Vice.

Will you do anything differently next time? We had a few long delays with this album that were out of our hands. We're keen to get our next album out much faster ;)

When and where is your launch/next gig? We're touring around Australia through March and April with Saskwatch:


2 Mar, Studio Six; 3 Mar, The Basement; 4 Mar, Carrington Hotel, Katoomba; 5 Mar, The Small Ballroom, Newcastle; 6 Mar, 5 Church Street, Newcastle


1 Mar, Jet Black Cat Music; 10 Mar, The Spotted Cow, Toowoomba; 11 Mar, Beach Hotel, Byron Bay; 12 Mar, The Triffid; 13 Mar, Soundlounge, Gold Coast


6 Apr, Karova Lounge, Ballarat; 7 Apr, The Workers Club; 8 Apr, Corner Hotel; 9 Apr, Theatre Royal, Castlemaine

Website link for more info?