Adelaide Fringe Frusic Focus: Kylie Brice

18 January 2016 | 10:33 am | Artist Submission

"Come to connect through story and creativity, come to not simply be entertained but to feel uplifted, unique and inspired!"

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Missy Higgins, Clare Bowditch.

Will you do a different show at Fringe or what you'd normally do at regular gig? I will be launching my debut EP in style: an intimate pre-dinner show, an art display by local artists on the theme 'Broken And Beautiful' and a main performance with band and guest musicians.

Reckon you'll head out on the Frusic walking trail (taking in iconic music spots of Adelaide)? Yep! I love adventure and stories!

Why should people come and see your show? Come to connect through story and creativity, come to not simply be entertained but to feel uplifted, unique and inspired!

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When and where is your Fringe show? Broken And Beautiful EP launch, 26 Feb, Salisbury Institute (Salisbury Secret Garden). Premium tickets include pre-show and main event.

Website link for more info?