Adelaide Fringe Frusic Focus: Bush Gothic

9 February 2016 | 12:46 pm | Artist Submission

"Hear music inspired by gothic themes of isolation, hero(ine)ism and emotional darkness that reveal memory, story and beauty."

Answered by: Dan Witton

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Postmodern Australian folk.

Will you do a different show at Fringe or what you'd normally do at regular gig? We'll play songs of criminal women and convict men, treachery and transportation dragged out of songbooks, ripping them apart, then lovingly put them back together. That's what we do.

Reckon you'll head out on the Frusic walking trail (taking in iconic music spots of Adelaide)? Why not? We can walk if we have a trolley for our instruments. Better would be a cart pulled by three dozen irate cockatoos.

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Why should people come and see your show? To hear music inspired by gothic themes of isolation, hero(ine)ism and emotional darkness that reveal memory, story and beauty. 

When and where is your Fringe show? Three nights only at the Crown & Anchor at 6pm, 4 — 6 Feb.

Website link for more info?